Sustainable space travel  

Learning outcomes The Sustainable Space Travel module gives students an idea of the sustainability aspects of space travel. You learn Know applications of space travel that can help solve global problems such as climate change. It will Sustainability challenges of space travel itself, such as space debris, and steps to solve them are discussed. In addition, a An overview of technologies and operational aspects is given, the development of which will sustainably transform space travel itself. All content is based on practical elements involving TU satellites in orbit and other research institutions visualized and deepened. Teaching content • Space applications and current developments • Earth observation as a central space application with environmental relevance (e.g. visualization of climate change) • Space Debris and Space Debris Mitigation • Space Traffic Management • Active Debris Removal (ADR) • Orbit determination and tracking (especially laser ranging) • Space situational awareness (especially early collision warning and evasive maneuvers) • On-Orbit Servicing (OOS) • Rendezvous and Docking (RVD) (technologies to be mastered for ADR and OOS) • Sustainable drive concepts • End of life operations • Reentry • Exploration: In-situ resource use (e.g. 3D printing with moon rocks)
Sustainable space travel

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